If you are a part of our community or you are starting to know more about our work, you may be familiar with our belief that in order to change the world we need to create a “New Human Story” and shape our relationship with ourselves, with others, and with the Earth. Maybe you too feel that something about our modern lifestyle doesn’t quite add up because we lack balance in justice and in our relationship with nature.
“We are born of love and will all go back to love. We spend our whole lives looking for love – to be loved, to feel loved, to give love. Yet we fear going deep into our hearts and allowing ourselves to fully feel and express the pure unconditional love that lives there. We fear standing in our love, – our greatest strength and power. It is the greatest force in the Universe, and it is our greatest weapon as Heart-Centered Warriors. Darkness, fear, and hate have no chance against love.”
Sonia Molodecky, A New Human Story
We all know that change is possible, but the journey is the confusing and challenging part because it is difficult to be confident that we are making the right decision. And that is when I ask myself, is this world the best version that we can create? Is our society the best one that we can imagine? The one thing I am certain of is that we urgently need to create a new human story.
In her book “A New Human Story, A Co-Creator’s Guide to Living Our True Potential”, Sonia Molodecky shares wholehearted answers to these questions. She says that we can definitely do way better and in order to do this,

Table of Contents
Living Our True Potential
Sonia is a Canadian-Ukrainian lawyer, entrepreneur, and Heart-Centered Warrior. She worked for fifteen years in human rights, international law, community empowerment, economic development, and business. However, in her book she shares her journey on how the Great Spirit (life) guided her through the most important journey of her life: finding her true essence.
Since then, she has worked for 7 years with Indigenous nations around the world and completely changed her mindset, health, and relationship with herself, others, and nature. Sounds easy and quite magical but every step of the way was pure and hard work coming from true love and commitment by deconstructing everything she believed in and had worked on.
Creating Consciously
In “A New Human Story” you’ll travel with Sonia to extraordinary places like the Amazone, Mexico, Canada where she explains the transcendental work of the “healthy continuity”, the relationship that the First Peoples have with nature, and the missing pieces we have ignored to have a thriving world.
“A New Human Story” is a guide to self-love, abundance, gratitude, and how to be a Centered-Heart Warrior. Sonia perfectly explains the complexity of the relationship between Earth and humans and the simplicity of our connection: love. We have a lot of responsibilities as human beings, however, one of the most important ones is to have the courage to give the gift of love.
In this book, Sonia opens her heart and shares her achievements and failures while she builds one of the most important guides to living our true potential that has ever been written. She doesn’t write part of her journey to tell us how the world should be built and changed, but instead shares the importance of becoming conscious observers of our surroundings and finding our true selves.

Therefore, if you have ever thought: “I want to make a difference but the world is very entangled” or “it is so complicated to meet people with the same motivation as me to build a better future”, then this book is for you.
Each word of “A New Human Story” is positive energy and the content’s arrangement moves your soul. When you read it, your discomfort of not knowing how to find your place in the world to make a change starts to fade away. It gives you courage, motivation and reminds you that everything you need to know and do is already inside you.

Trusting Again
For me, each chapter felt like a memory that spoke and resonated with my true self. I believe that deep down we all know we are a part of nature, that we have to reconnect with it and with ourselves.
Moreover, Sonia explores the concept of the sharing economy, which means that everything we have can be shared with others so that we can help the environment, build a community and keep energies high for all. This is similar to how nature works, where everything moves and is useful for every living being.
Because we are all co-creators of the future we want to build, in part 2 she gives concrete tools so that we can get inspired and keep ourselves aligned with our true self and don’t get distracted or hurt in the process.
Being part of the era of conscious evolution is challenging. And she is right when she quotes Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them.” So that’s why she shares the importance of commitment and learning how to irradiate light and love to the world if we really want to make a change. In addition, it is a demanding and beautiful process because we have to learn how to trust again.
How Our Story Began
Crossing paths with Sonia and this book was truly unique, special and maybe even “meant to be”. When Green Reconnection started, Sonia invited me to her podcast: A New Human Story. From the moment I met her, I felt like I was talking to a friend who understood Green Reconnection’s essence. When we finished recording the episode I remembered that she told me: “Wow, so much knowledge, how old are you? I would like to send you a copy of my book.” It really caught me off guard because I was the one who was amazed by her work.
It felt like the two of us resonated with what we chatted about on the podcast. However, it wasn’t until I read the book that I truly understood what we saw in each other’s work. It even scared me a little when I found quotes that are very similar to what Green Reconnection stands for.
At that moment I understood that things come to you when you least expect them. It was truly magical to have met Sonia during the first months of launching Green Reconnection because it made me trust again, trust our work, and most importantly, trust that there are thousands of people out there working hard every day to build the world that we all deserve. I know this book was meant to be read by me because it came at a perfect time, so now that you are reading this, maybe it is meant to be read by you too.
If you just can’t wait to read this eye-opening masterpiece, you can buy it here. All proceedings go to youth empowerment programs. You can also find it on Kindle.
“Let’s build towards beauty, towards light, towards a world that lasts on planet Earth and that works for all.”
Sonia Molodecky, A New Human Story
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